Friday 2 September 2011

Depression :/

Ive had Depression from what ii can remember around the time ii was 14 till now. It wasn't till ii had my first child at 16 that ii realized it was time ii get help about it.
I denied it for so long, because ii really didn't think ii had it. even with harming myself, ii thought it was just a faze ii was going through.
I am finally seeing a councilor now and it has help soo much. even with the littlest things. I would get embarrassed with how bad my memory is. but turns out. with the childhood ii had its no wonder my memories all over the place. and there are some things ii can not remember.
I'm not ashamed with telling people ii suffer depression. ii used to get shy and think if ii say that people will think ii want attention.. which is NOT the case!!
ii still have my days where ii push people away and just keep to myself (apart from my kids). and ii hate it because ive lost friends from it.
I also wont to get better so my kids dont follow my footsteps. ii like any other parent. want the best for my kids. and ii defiantly do not want them growing up in the same lifestyle ii did.


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